


The library is the central focus of every educational institution. It is the basic and central bibliographical organ of support to the academic programmes of the institutions. It serves as a support not only to teaching but also to research end development activities. Consequently, Enville Institute plans to construct a purpose built, user friendly library shortly, the model and drawings are already done. In the meantime, the Institution library is located in the second floor of the main school building.

About 10% of the recurrent revenue of the institution devoted to the library this is to ensure that every current books and journal tittles are available to satisfy major research interest of staff and provide suitable reading materials for students

Library Discipline

      1. Books are not to be taken out of the Library without the due process of charging.
      2. All books borrowed should be returned on or before the date due.
      3. Library identity cards are not transferable.
      4. All borrowings and renewals must be done personally.
      5. The Library identity card must be brought to the Library and produced upon demand
      6. Submit all books to the porter for inspection when leaving the Library.
      7. Fines are paid at the rate of N200.00 per day when a book is overdue.
      8. Books lost or damaged should be reported immediately and paid for at the estimated cost of replacement as determined by the Librarian.
      9. All cases of stealing, mutilation or defacing of books will be dealt with severely.
      10. All Library materials must be treated with great care including the reading tables and chairs.
      11. Seats should not be RESERVED in the library.
      12. SILENCE must be observed in the Library at all times.
      13. Bags, briefcases, umbrellas, etc should not be brought into the Library. They must be kept in the pigeon holes provided for such at owner’s risk.
      14. Smoking, drinking, eating and sleeping are not allowed.
      15. Use of any form of naked light such as candles is prohibited.
      16. Respect all Library staff on duty.